My 2014 Christmas Pictures

The day is here! At this time each year, I love to take a minute and share just a couple of my favorite Christmas snapshots from decorating my house for the season. 

Always a lot of fun!

At my farmhouse, things have slowly been starting to look a lot like Christmas:

Throughout the house there are little touches here and there...

The kitchen shelves are decked with favorite family Christmas items (and a few bottles of wine, too. :) )

Cute little choirs are always singing along with my Christmas music...

and in my office, the paperwhite bulbs I planted a few weeks ago are just starting to bloom. Can't wait for their delicious scent to fill the house!

If you look carefully down the hall from my office--although it is hard to see in this picture--you can see the stockings hung along the bannister, where my daughter proudly puts them each year. :)

In the master bedroom, I added just a few green branches and sparkly things to honor the season. 

One of the biggest changes this year at my house is the addition of a new mantel...

You see, ironically, even though my house is over 200 years old, the only remaining hearth we have is in my son's bedroom. So, as you can imagine, we have longed to put a fireplace in our family room for a lonnnnnggggg time...but other renovations have had to take precedence.

BUT while my husband and I were out Christmas shopping last weekend, we stumbled across an adorable mantel and Victorian cast iron coal box at Rose Hip Barn (have you been there yet?!? It is FANTASTIC and so much FUN!), and we immediately loaded it in the car. 

SO, our family room which used to look like this:

Now is rearranged with this cute little addition:

After the holidays, we plan on building it in and painting it to match…and someday in the not too distant future, I am sure it will have a real firebox with real flames --not just candles. :)

Because I have been so busy decorating for my fabulous clients, to date, our Christmas tree (just outside of the frame to the right in the picture above) is decorated only with lights. The rest of the ornaments will soon follow, but I have to admit, I love how simply beautiful the tree is currently.

Thomas the Cat agrees, I think. He spent a long time in the room with us last night just enjoying the glow….

I hope you have the most wonderful of holiday seasons this year! Blessings and love to you, dear friends!