A Picture is Worth ...Well, A Lot

I think we all have had the experience of looking at a picture of ourselves and being a little underwhelmed .....

or surprised ....

and we can question some of our choices....

Most often we are being too hard on ourselves & noticing things that nobody else pays attention to anyway. Most of the time....


What most people don't realize is how much photographs can help us with our houses. If you are struggling with a room that feels off to you, and you just don't know what to do with it, snapping some pictures of the space can help you to get some distance -- a change in perspective that can help you make decisions, see what is needed, and clearly see what is working and what isn't.  And now that most of us have a handy dandy camera on our person almost all the time, this is a tool that is so easy to use, but one that is often overlooked.  Snap some pictures, take a step back to evaluate, and then use the pictures on your phone as a reference as you work on your project.

You will be amazed how much it helps!


Hilarious Bad Paid-For Photos via Ellen :)